Program 2021



Improving nutrition for young children is recognized as an investment in people and one of the best investments in global health and development: for every $1 spent invested in nutrition, $16 is returned to the local economy. Good nutrition is the bedrock of child survival, health and development.

In spite on that, child undernutrition remains a major public health issue worldwide. Today, an estimated 47 million of under five children are suffering from acute malnutrition, which constitutes an astonishing and urgent priority. The most severely affected of these children are 11 times more likely to die than a healthy child. In addition, acutely malnourished children are at increased risk of disease and impaired growth.

This astonishing public health emergency is exacerbated by a lack of universal healthcare, leaving individuals, families and communities without access to affordable systems that deliver the appropriate prevention, diagnostic, treatment and care.

The next edition of #R4NUT 2021 Conference will be focused in decentralized and innovative approaches for prevention, diagnosis and treatment: Taking nutritional care of people where they are and empowering communities and mothers, letting them to active participate. In an interactive process from prevention to diagnosis and treatment.

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The conference is intended to showcase research with demonstrable operational impact. Operations professionals are given the floor to evaluate operational relevance of presented research and to defend research needs for effective programming. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the role of field agencies as research contributors, the challenges they face in implementing and operationalizing research in partnership with academic actors, as well as the added value they bring.

We want to put in value quality approaches that facilitate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of child malnutrition through evidence results and best practices that improve cost-effectiveness, facilitate access to nutritional care and identify the incipient challenges related with nutrition, with special focus in acute malnutrition.

  1. To share between decision/policy makers, researchers and implementers latest scientific evidence on the prevention and treatment of child undernutrition. Enhancing local solutions with a community approach
  2. To stress the need of articulate prevention at community level with current approaches for diagnosis and treating undernutrition
  3. To build consensus on evidence-based strategies to address child undernutrition in different contexts and situations. Identification of change in practices, policy review, challenges and capacities needed